
MAC_Wk4_Publishing/ Leadership Project

by S. Noack
This week was a great week sharing our work.  I really enjoyed the variety of ideas worked in each action research.  In my case I do not feel it is over.  As I mentioned in my presentation, I would go for a third cycle.  I hope to be able to use Schoology for this last term at school.  I also hope not only to publish my work, but also to present it in the annual conference in MFLA (Massachusetts Foreign language Association).  I think my work would encourage other teachers to use some free web 2.0 tools in their classes.  I also appreciate the comments my classmates and professor Bustillo gave me about my article for publication.
The following are the links for my AR website and my thinking aloud:
1.    AR research website.  For more specific details.
    2.     Thinking aloud 1: Publication or Presentation?
    3.     Thinking aloud 2: Where and why to present my work.


taken by S. Noack
Great you are taking the book lessons to heart and applying them to your life.  I am also trying.  I think if we do not do so… it is not worthy to read the book. I am also glad you only have one student who makes you angry for me there three in the same classroom! But it also made me think of it as a positive way things are, and that I also need to work on it with a new vision. 
I also like the quotes you cited, specially the one that says, “Your playing small doesn’t serve the world”… inviting us to give our best not you’re the minimum effort.  God help us to keep transforming our lives and others.

Original from Torrey Proctor

I learned in chapter nine that I should enroll people for positive missions, and expect to give of myself in return.  Our perception is like a nudge to a kaleidoscope in that it shifts instantly.  All of the self-help information that is being provided in this book is easy to swallow.  I found myself taking the books lessons to heart and applying them to my life.
Chapter ten was about naming yourself as a board and note a chess piece.  Being the board releases the stresses that come with the measurement of who wins or loses the game.  This chapter made me think of a high school student that makes me angry at times because he contributes nothing to class.  I sometimes feel the student doesn’t belong in class.  Now I’m seeing it in a new light.  He belongs and has more to learn then the students that already get it. I should take this student on as a challenge to help him or accept that his behavior is the way things are.  My favorite quote of this chapter is, “there is no great music-making without such risk taking.”
Chapter eleven reminds us to do things that are on-track and not off-track.  This books definition of off-track means doing things that contribute to downward spiral behavior.  I’ve listed my favorite quotes from this chapter below.
 “I am here today to cross the swamp, not fight all the alligators.” 
“Your playing small doesn’t serve the world.”
“Leaders who become their vision often seem uncommonly brave to the rest of us.”
Chapter twelve is about focusing on WE as a team or group.  Never label a human being as the enemy.  The only enemy is revenge, fear, hate, and righteousness.  I like the idea that truth, no matter how harsh it is, is better then revenge bottled up and consequently released. 


Woburn Pond, MA by S. Noack
It is very encouraging to read your reflection.  I cannot imagine how many people you have touched with your sparkling and passion that even yourself have not realized it.  Definitely that is why we are educators, our willing to leave a fingerprint in others.  The possibility to share what we know and see the transformation in others.  Keep that passion!

Original from Kathy Valunas http://ramblingsfromkj.blogspot.com/

I didn’t get very far into the reading this week before I found the focus for my blog… lighting a spark. According to Ben Zander, “…our universe is alive with sparks. We have at our fingertips an infinite capacity to light a spark of possibility” (p125). This fits perfectly in with the tech conference I sent a proposal to and seems to be the ‘sign’ I needed that says- this is the place you need to be to help light that spark of possibility in others! Zander went on to list some steps and two of those remind me of what my mantra needs to be: “Offer that which lights you up… [and] have no doubt that others are eager to catch the spark” (p126). This pretty much sums up my passion for what I do and all that I have learned throughout my journey both as a student and a teacher. I have always been full of passion and the desire to pass that onto others has been burned deep inside because of how others have inspired or ‘enrolled’ me in this educational trip. They have been my roadmap and their sparks have ignited mine. By offering to others what I discovered along my personal journey and through my research, I can only hope that my light will spark someone else to carry on their own passion and pass the sparks onto others.

Zander, R. & Zander, B. (2000). The art of possibility. Harvard Business School Press: Boston, MA.

MAC_Wk4_Reading Reflection (chapters 9-12)

Woburn Pond, MA by S. Noack

I always hope that I can lighten my students up with my passion for languages, through my teaching.  I always want to believe that my students are fully interested in the subject.  When I find students completely reluctant to the class, I try to see what they like, how I can connect with their interests. 
I relate this situation with being the board.  It is not the students.  It is not the school where I work.  It is my choices and I.  I need to get better choices specially dealing with disruptive students in my classes. I believe that by creating conversations that matter to these students I could create a framework for possibility. I could start even with one of my students who has ADHD and my easiest solution has been taking him out of class. Since he is enrolled in my class seventh grade, he needs to be there.  I will try.  It is not easy! How fascinating!
On the other hand, it has been very encouraging when I have had the chance to encourage my students to dream in great, it does not matter the level of education. I think there would be at least one student really listening the words of encouragement and going for it.  I have seen students who did not see a future after high school, but now they have a career. 
Now, we need to keep transforming from the “I” to the “WE” through practice. What we, each of us, need to do is to trust in God that He may give us the wisdom, the courage and compassion to make a difference in our own lives and in the people around us. 


MAC_Wk3_Publishing/ Leadership_Thinking Aloud 2

Boston, MA taken by S. Noack

The places I am planning to publish my action research are the two magazines I have been subscribed for a while.  They also have to deal with my field of foreign languages.

One is the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL).  As it states in their website, Foreign Language Annals focuses primarily on language education for languages other than English. The journal welcomes manuscripts on a wide variety of topics including cross-disciplinary submissions that provide clear implications for teaching, learning, and/or research in the language field. Authors must be members of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.

The other place I have in mind is a publication of the Massachusetts Teachers Association (MTA) Today.  It is published quarterly.  The MTA advocates for quality public education in an environment in which lifelong learning and innovation flourish. I hope I can get support from this local publication.

Another place I would apply is to the Language Learning & Technology publication (LLT).  They have a very clear guideline to follow.


MAC_Wk3_Publishing/ Leadership_Thinking Aloud 1

Vermont taken by S. Noack
My Action Research.
I have finally closed my second cycle.  I could apply my post-survey last Thursday.   It has been a hard week with the assignments plus trying to finish my second cycle and grades at school. I feel really glad a made it before going to the April week vacations!

I expected to have at least the 76 answers I have had for the previous surveys out of 82 students, but this time I had only 69 students.  I think it is because of the coming break, some left earlier on vacations.  But, I am definitely glad that 77% liked technology in the Spanish class.  There were also some surprises about activities I thought they liked but they do not!

I also need to think about how to present my Action Research.  I think it is worthy to publish it, but it is more tedious for me because of the writing process.  I also want to present it in the language conferences since I know that could help other teachers.  But because of time and having the opportunity of peer discussion and critique, I am planning to do the paper so I can have a good paper that later I can change into a presentation.


Woburn Pond, MA  by S. Noack
You have addressed key points.  Such as possibility is available to all, positive thinking reinforces the abilities that are already there for them [people].  What I am wondering is if you are putting this into practice? How have you done? I think that the hardest part is to put all those nice concepts into practice. It implies lots of being conscious about what we are doing and thinking. Personally, I need to improve a lot!

Original posted by Angela Alipour http://angelaalipour-angie.blogspot.com/
Possibility is available to all. Keeping a fixed reality does not offer the vision of all of the possibilities that are available. Having a vision and making it a reality is the process of creating. Creation comes from within and we all have different ways of expressing that which we create. Therefore if one wants to awaken this possibility in others they must guide the other in learning how to tap into all the possibilities they have inside of them, and change the way they may perceive situations or things.
It’s all about how a person perception of what is surrounding them, or what becomes part of their reality. If the person can grasp the fact that his or her perception can be changed just by changing their thought pattern they will be able to perceive all of the possibilities that are available to them. Positive thinking reinforces the abilities that are already there for them. Gives the person that feeling of confidence. And should the situation not manifest, as the person desired it is best if that person looks at the good that came from that experience, instead of what did not happen for them.
When one accepts the changes that are occurring and flows with it then transformation happens.


Woburn, MA taken by S. Noack
I also agree that this reading leads us to stop focusing on obstacles but seen all the possibilities not just for ourselves but the people around us, our friends, family in my case my students.  But definitely we need to see the best in each human being.  I definitely agree that our daily decisions and choices not only affect, instead of effect, ourselves but the people involved in our lives.

Original: Everett Jones wrote

These chapters are really geared towards myself and friendships that I have.  The example in chapter 5 about the conductor that doesn't know his members of the orchestra personally, but would like to.  The members hold him in such a high esteem that they send messages to him through those in the hierarchy.  He receives all praise for how the orchestra sounds, yet he does not perform and instrument at the concert.  I think it is important to acknowledge all that are part of the larger picture.  Especially if they are all working towards a common goal.  The results tend to have a better outcome.  When people are acknowledge, they tend to have a personal stake in the goal and perform better.

Chapter 6 gave an example of how when we lift away our personal judgements of people, that we may see them in a more positive manner.  I honestly think that each person no matter how evil some may seem to be, possess at least one thing that is positive.  Sometimes focusing on that, brings out a person that we never thought we'd see.

I learned from reading these chapters that I have to set up my life and relationships so that positivity embraces them both.  My daily decisions and choices not only effect myself but those around me.  Focusing on those things that make me happy in life, can hopefully overshadow those obstacles that do not.

MAC_Wk3_Post_1_Reading Reflection (chapters 5-8)

Boston, MA taken by S. Noack
The reading this week has been a reminder of great practices such as giving opportunities to lead my students in class.  There are leaders everywhere and I can see that in each of my classes.  Then, adding to that leadership promotion the rule number six, my role as a facilitator would be to promote human development and transformation.  Meaning to lighten up others and myself.
But definitely, I need to face the way things are as a world of possibilities.  I need to welcome mistakes as open doors to new things.  And from there give a way to passion: I need to identify what is holding me back to even give with more vitality, and vibrancy.  As Roz says, I need to be able to transcend the barriers of personal survival and become a unique conduit of vital energy.  Easy to write, but a little challenging to put into practice but not impossible!



Boston, MA taken by S. Noack
Benjamin Zander
I was curious about Mr. Zander.  It was after the third video that Professor Bustillo had in the program when I just realized I had met Mr. Zander two years ago when one of my students, who plays the violin, invited me to a concert of the Youth Philharmonic Orchestra at the New England Conservatory in Boston, MA.

I went to that concert without knowing who he was.  But he was a special conductor; he was very expressive as you can see in the videos.  One thing that happened in that concert was that when he came back to the stage to play again an extra piece for the public.  He lifted up his arms to lead the orchestra and the orchestra started to play the happy birthday song to him!  He was really surprised about that.   But it was until now that I understand the whole picture.  I cannot image how grateful each member of the orchestra was with him.  I also remember at the end they also announced the people that were going away from the group to start their college studies; one of them was my student who had invited me.

I saw different videos about Mr. Zander.  What I could see in each of them is all the energy he transmits in his presentations, and how he defines teaching as the way of opening new possibilities, the possibility of making other people powerful.  I also like the way he defines a leader as the person who opens his/her mouth to create possibilities.   I hope to have perfect days even with my AR website that is not as perfect as I want it to be!

The following is his website http://www.benjaminzander.com/teacher/, and Mrs. Zander’s website is http://www.rosamundzander.com/index.php


Photo by S. Noack

You reminded me of my first years teaching.  By that time, about fifteen years ago, I thought that the great teacher was the one who had few students passing the course.  I remember even competing with other teachers about who had the longest list of students failing the class!! This was in an undergraduate program.  What a big mistake!  I realized that two semesters later.  It was just reflecting on my teaching and what I was doing?  I think it was also seen the faces of the students and their frustration. 

It is great that now we have a reminder that we are part of the change and as you say it is not always easy, it is something to work on.  But maybe with the help of other colleagues we can keep reminding each other what is important in life and make others and ourselves happy and successful.
This has been one of the most important readings that I have done over the course of this Master’s program.  Its lessons are vital to my contributions as an educator.  As a young teacher, I often misread the intentions of students and tried to bend them to my will and what I thought was best for them.  I was frustrated when they failed to engage or seemed sullen or defiant.  After many years, I began to engage them in a different way, I guess giving them the “A”.  In this way I have made much stronger connections with students and have seen them make contributions of their own.  Along the way, I sometimes lose sight of this power and get caught up in daily successes and failures.  This is a wonderful reminder to remain present and to pursue opportunities to make a contribution, not just achieve personal success.

By seeing life as a game in which perception is the only reality one is able to put things in perspective.  Much of the anxiety and stress I face is the product of my own desire to meet invented expectations, which have been constructed by myself and by others.  I am now practicing giving the “A” in my relationships and at work, focusing on contributions, not just winning.

The approach laid out in the book is not easy to ingrain in daily habits.  While I agree with the concepts in theory, it is hard to consistently put them into practice.  Old thought patterns continue to crop up and I must constantly remind myself that the obstacles are all invented.  This has definitely given me something to work on and a new way to approach life.


Boston, MA  taken by S. Noack

Jason P.,
I agree with you, the reading has lots of ideas we can put into practice.  And that is the problem!  To go for it!  But as I shared in my blog, I think that you can start with something simple in your weekly routine of your classes.  I do not think you have to wait until next year.  I encourage you to try now while we are reading the book. As B. Zander says, “we might invent something that brighten our life and the lives of the people around us.”  With my little try I could see the shinning eyes!  It was worthy.

I really do love books like this although I always have such a hard time applying any of it to my actual life practice. For example, in the chapter on giving an A to others and to your self, all I could think about here was how could I give an A to my students? Every time the idea came into my mind while reading this chapter I thought of so many reasons why it wouldn't work, or the negatives that could result. It is funny how quick one's mind admonishes the self into thinking something new or risky is impossible. But, I have made it my goal that all summer long I am going to try to make this happen in my classes for next year. I mean...who am I to tell a student they are only a C? I will simply do my best to chip away at the marble to reveal the statue. My classes are enjoyable and the kids always seem to show growth in their writing while they are with me, but I always come away at the end of the year feeling like I wasted so much time doing things that were unnecessary or irrelevant for them. I am hoping I can find a way to change that for next year. I guess I am chipping way at my own block of marble as well. 

MAC_Wk2_Post1_ Reading Reflection

The Art of Possibility (charters 1- 4)
I am glad we are assigned this book to read.  It is really encouraging and challenging at the same time.  It requires not just reading but also putting into practice what it says.

Yesterday, I told my students that everybody had already an A in the computer laboratory work if they would go quietly from our classroom to that place.  I told the students that if I listened to anybody talking I would deduct points from their grade.  Everybody was quiet!  We left 20 minutes after starting the class.  So we wouldn’t interrupt the other classes. 

With this specific situation, it just brought to my mind, my experience that I had in England as a Spanish assistant.  I was assigned to teach Spanish to a group of ten students who wanted to take a Spanish test to get credits for the University.  The interesting part was that I did not have to give grades!! I was more focused on what each of the students needed to work on, and make sure they would understand each topic covered in class.

I felt it was a relaxing environment for both sides.  No pressure for the teacher to hand in grades, and no pressure for students to think in getting a grade.  I noticed they were really interested in learning.  At the end of the course, the students took the Spanish test for the University and they did very well.  I always dream in having another chance like that!!  I really enjoyed that experience and I know my students as well.



Our Wimba Session
I enjoyed our Wimba session.  I feel glad it was not just to follow the videos but Professor Bustillos gave us different tips fro the course and beside some ideas were clarified.  One of them is the way the course is presented.  I am still trying to get used to it.  My fear is that by mistake I may miss any of the assignments or readings for each week. 

I am glad there is the website http://jbbsedtechplace.com/ It has been much easier for me to follow the different assignments I need to complete.  It seems we will keep working hard, but it is worthy especially getting close to our graduation!


This is the response to Ashley May's blog
I also agree that the Disney video was a pain for me!  Maybe if it had had the words written it would have been a better experience.  I also could understand what CC meant with all its symbols, and that our students need to know this now and not to wait until they make their master since in education the key is creativity and it does not come by itself.  There is always someone or something that makes an impact in each person to create.  I also share your disappointment about material not available now because of copyright issues.  I just hope that there can be a solution in the close future.

from http://web.me.com/ashleybmay/MAC-May/Week_1/Entries/2011/3/31_Week_1-_Copyright__What_does_it_look_like.html
Week 1- Copyright: What does it look like?
The videos I  viewed  this past week were very informative.  If I could sum it up in just one word, i would have to say that it was “overwhelming”.  I know that copyright is a very important issue, but I had no idea that it would be so involved and so detailed.  In part one, it was mentioned that there is a special set of lawyers who deal only in copyright law.  I guess that I should have know that it would be complicated just from reading that!    

Unlike most people, I didn’t enjoy the Disney outtakes that were used to discuss copyright.  I found the choppiness of the speech and the video to be very...what’s the word I’m looking for?  It’s that big word we learned in Design Principles and Education(DAE)...oh yeah.  It’s called cognitive overload!!  It was just too much for me.  I was straining to hear, and trying to keep up with the actions of the animated characters was extremely difficult.  I finally decided to just listen to it instead of trying to watch it.  That helped some, but I was so frustrated by that point that I’m not sure it really made that much difference.  

My favorite part would have to be the segments in part three on Creative Commons.  For the first time in life, I understood what it was.  Who knew that it could actually be explained in plain English??!! And I finally know and understand what all those little symbols mean!   This new knowledge will definitely come in a handy when project time rolls around in my classroom, which is pretty often.  I can explain to my students how to respect copyright a lot easier now that I have this information.

On a final note, I was EXTREMELY disappointed to find out why the “Eyes on the Prize” series is no longer available.  My friends and I grew up singing that song.  We have always equated it with the Civil Rights struggle that we say on that video.  It was such an important part of my education; I am saddened to know that it will not be available for my children.  This is truly an example of how negative the effects of copyright laws can be if we as a society don’t do something about it.  How much of what we create is ever truly 100% original? Are we not all influenced by some outside factor at some point?


This  is my comment to Danette Philpot's Blog.
Wonderful photo! Thanks for letting admire your work! If copyright refers to permanently fixed work that can be seen or heard.  So photos are there. Are not they? I had the same thought about how much work you and all of us have created so far and that personally I have not done any copyright.

I think that this topic about copyright should be included in schools and universities so people can get educated in this topic.  I plan to share this knowledge with my seventh-grade students.  I think that doing so we can help the future generation to value the importance of           copyrighting.


Copyright, it is has been a great topic of discussion in my other line of work of photography. It was not mentioned in the discussion, but each photo or digital image was created by a person. The average person feels that there is no harm for copying an image off the internet and posting to Facebook, twitter or their own personal website. Just last week the Professional Photographers of America polled several members on the use of copyrights and their imagines. The results were astounding! Of the 2,830 that took the poll, (84%) 2,392 photographers NEVER register their work. 41 (1%) ALWAYS register. 324 (11%) OCCASIONALLY register. These are professional that make a living at creating images. It goes to show not matter on what platform you create, educate yourself and protect your work.

MAC_Wk1_Post1_ Reading Reflection

After going through the whole material about copyright issues I felt I had finally got some idea what that meant.  I could see that, as I was expected, it is not an easy topic in the sense that there is not just a selection of black and white. Copyright is a fixed work that can be seen or heard while fair use is a legal defensible position; and that Creative Commons Solution is a copyright at Internet speed.

I saw that copyright has been going on an endless process since it has to be within the culture and culture is in constant change especially with the new technologies.  Everyday there are new tools and there should be again new regulations! What should we consider private or public? What would be the new restrictions or codes?

As a language teacher, I feel that the fair use is a great tool to keep.  Since it allows me to use different materials from the Internet to show facts to my students about the language and the culture. But I still have my doubts when I take things from the web sites such as PowerPoint Presentations and they do not have any name or any evidence of copyright.  This part of the content was also a wake up call on what I use and how I use the material in my classes.  I also realized that I have never used the Creative Commons in any of my small creations.  I am wondering when that would be worthy to use?