The Future of the Information Technology
Film 1: A Day Made of Glass 2. (5:58)
is seen much more interactive, easier to access and more comfortable for
students in the sense of leaving their heavy backpacks behind. They would only need a tablet. It would be great to have small groups in class with the right technology for every students to be able to play with it!
Both of the films have a utopian vision of the future in education. There would be more time to explore, to go outside the classroom. There would be more hands on doing projects. Teachers would have to be really
involved in the use of smart boards, technology in general. There could be more time for projects
in the classroom. From this point
of view it would be a utopian vision since everything looks perfect. Students are engaged. The teacher’s presentation looks
appealing to the students. The teacher herself look so confident with what she
is presenting and the tool she is using.
Film 3: Sight (7:50)
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The ending
of this video is opened since it is up to the girl to accept to stay or to
leave. That means to join the game
of the badges. Everything you do
will have a reward. That looks
interesting, especially if we apply this to teaching. Our students want to be rewarded. They love to know what the prizes are for a specific given
activity. But, this video the
focus is the social part of a human being. It is hard for me to see that even the man needs to use
technology to make friends???
Would she join her new friend’s idea? I think that depends on how she
defines a friend.
previous 2 videos the social aspect was more related to what I am used to: you
make friends when you are at school.
You make friends by chance, not controlled by a specific program.
From my
point of view Charlie represents a hopeful future in the sense that Charlie
represents personal autonomy. He
wants to experience a different life.
There must be options in the future. Some people may get tired of technology while other would
get deep into it. It also shows at
the same time the impact in society. Since we belong to a specific
society. The question is going to
be what is acceptable and what would not.
At the end it is really a reflection of our present society. Many of us grew up without any
technology. Maybe just a radio and
a TV, the computer came a little late.
But I had been forced to search about technology, how to use it. Why to
use it. I still struggle with texting. I am used to make
phone calls or face-to-face conversations. Can technology help parents and
teachers to manage a difficult age as the teenagers to make correct
choices? Technology is not always
the correct means to solve this case.
It is more of moral values, the relationship between parents and children.
The other
aspect is how controlled we want to be?
Charlie wanted to adventure, to see what is beyond the traditional. Is that wrong?
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