This is a new feature I am using in this class. According to the research I have done during this program I have added the following five (5) RSS feeds that I had used for my professional development. is a web site that not only has information about education and technology, but it also has resources for my Spanish classes. Students also check this site for vocabulary. The Spanish material is free and very practical for teachers and students. is a site that has helped me a lot in my previous assignments. I can find information about web 2.0 tools, I can get information about what the teachers are doing in their classes. I can also get ideas to put into practice in my own classes. is a new site for me that has helped my to keep updated with what is happening in Education. It is also an example for me how to work with data in my future research. I have found interesting articles and even one on how to find a job! is a site that has helped me to determine what free web 2.0 tools are available that I can promote to the teacher to use in the Foreign Language Department. The way this site explains each tool is very clear and concise. It also offers videos about educational issues. is a site where I have learned about education in a very exciting way. The presenters are really an inspiration for the audience. The content is divided by themes, speakers, talks, and translations. One of the videos I liked a lot for example was the video presented by Sir Ken Robinson: Bring on the learning revolution!
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