I started this blog while studying at Full Sail University. Now I will continue it with MOOC.
The fourth week was in part devoted to organize my literature resources. I had to really check into the APA rules. There is still more to do. But having my list of literature resources in one paper, I realized that there is not much done in my field of applying technology in the teaching of a foreign language in this country. The ones I found are form different countries such as Englad, Germany, even I found one from Africa. I feel that now I have to create my own based on my experience and what I have learn in this program. I also hope to keep blogging!
BP17_week4_Practical experience with Glogster
This was a hard way to learn. I had my poster done after several hours of work. I decided to take some screenshots before saving, but somhow I pressed the wrong key... work gone! I could not recover it.
So, I had to start all over again. I made sure I had part save before finishing. I could add music, pictures, music and even a video. It was easy to download them. What was hard for me was to keep the frames in the specific places I wanted. I imagine for the students it would be easier to use these tools.
Glogster offers lots of frames and images as well as different types of font and color to choose.
I hope I can get the permission to work with Glogster at school. I still need to know how to get the Spanish chracters like the accents and the question mark at the beginning of a question. I am glad I could have the chance to practice with this tool. Here are my two finished private posters:
BP16_week4_Practical experience with Glogster
After my trial with Edmodo, I also read their contract agreement and it requires the approval from the superintendant, the principal and the parents of the students. So I thought that is good, but I do not have much time. So I decided to see the Glogster option.
I signed up with Glogster. I also started to see some sample of what you can do in Glogster. I found out that there are different categories. One of the categories is ‘Languages’. According to the samples you can type all the Spanish characters and what I like the most is the different options you can present in your blog or Glog!
My challenge now is to create using Glogster. There are many nice examples I would like to follow.
I like this example because it combines everything in just one blog: video created by the students, podcast, YouTube video, and pictures. All this screenshots are taken from glogster.com. My next blog would be my own creation.
BP15_week4_Practical experience with Edmodo
My week four has been a kind of challenging week since I wanted to start something completely new for me, and there was a lot! I tried some of the different tools shared my classmates in the blogger. I checked different animation programs, but I did not like the characters or it involved some payment, or some were linked to YouTube and for my students I need to get a safer environment. I also tried some training with Flash. But for my seventh graders students and myself, I thought Edmodo or Glogster would be better for now.
I started with Edmodo, I opened my Edmodo account and did some practice with it. I created groups, and opened some files. It seems very easy to set. The structure is really simple. There are good tutorials in YouTube and even some of my classmates are very familiar with it. But my concern is that I did not find how to type the accent marks and special characters from the Spanish language. I also sent a message to the support group about this case. I am waiting for their answer, so I can use it for my classes.
iMovie is a tool I would like to use in my job. My idea is to take different videos through the year with my students, and then I will try to make like a mosaic of the different projects done by them.
I already got my certification for iMovie, but as it is in languages. I need lots of practice to really get all the features iMovie has. The following video is a try to use different videos I had in my personal album and make an iMovie of them.
BP13_week3_Practical_Experience GoogleDocs
The following video is a short presentation of what I have discovered about GoogleDocs during this program. I only used to check my email! I am glad with all the options it has. It has helped me to organize more my information.
BP12_week3_Practical experience GarageBand
The following podcast is a way to put into practice what I have learned to do with GarageBand.
I love to have background music for short videos or podcast.
This week was a very crucial time for my AR project. I had to start again basically due to situations that are out of my control. The initial idea was to organize worshops for teacher for the professional development days. But now it is to use Glogster in my 7th grade Spanish classes. I did a good amount of reading basically about how to use Multiple Intelligences (MI) in the classroom. The other group of articles were about the use of web 2.0 tools in the classroom too. Then, I will try to relate MI and web 2.0 tools for Spanish classes.
BP8_LingQ web 2.0 tool
The web tool I also want to try in my classroom is the LingQ. LingQ is a method designed to learn ten different languages online. The creator is the linguist Steve Kaufmann.
Students can read and listen interesting and authentic content. The student chooses different topics based on your interest. So, they also choose their level of the language and within that level you have options to listen and practice.
It also offers the possibility to have a tutor. Their tutors are from different locations, so the students can also choose the accent they want to listen. The program gives the option of download their listening to their iPods.
I like because it also have some short stories that my students could listen and practice with it. The first level classes are free, but if you want to get serious practicing with a tutor there is a price. It depends on the number of hours students want to work with their tutor.
The students can also create their own community. They can blog to other students who are taking the program. Besides that, students have the option to go to their podcast page, and look for the ones that appeal to them.
I registered to it, and you receive a weekly progress report of what you did that week. You also get point for learning new words, writing compositions and submit them to the tutors. I still need to double-check the community. I need to see that it is a safe site for my seventh graders students. But in general it looks a really good place to try and learn a new language.
These are some of the readings I did this week.
Cheng, Y., Mok, M. (2008). What effective classroom? Towards a paradigm shift. School Effectiveness
Oates, Rita H. (2009, September 9). How to learn in the 21st century. Retrieved September 11, 2010, from http://www.ascd.org/publications/educational-leadership/sept09/vol67/num01/How- to- Learn-in-the-21st-Century.aspx
Oates started sharing her experience when she was at high school and the way she was taught. Then, she gives some ideas how she would change that situation in this time.
One of the suggestions she gave is to read a book from the place the class is studying, but most important would be to use the Internet to connect with other people and places in real time.
Oates also stated that "learning in the 21st century requires critical thinking, adept use of technology, and global collaboration, and we should offer all these to our students on a regular basis."
The author mentioned key points for teachers such as teach with real situations, make use of the environment around them. The school walls should not be a boundary to go beyond and search for what is really happening globally using use of the technology appropriately.
& School Improvement. 365-385.
doi: 10.1080/09243450802535174
Cheng and Mok (2008) referred to the three shifts of the waves of educational reforms. In each wave the definition of learning is different, and the effectiveness has a different meaning too.
The following are the questions they describe as the support for each wave:
First Wave:
- How can learning and teaching be well organized in the classroom to deliver planned knowledge, skills, and values?
- How can the delivery of knowledge and skills from teachers and the curriculum to students be ensured through improvement of teaching and learning in the classroom?
- How can teachers’ teaching in the classroom be improved in a given time period?
- How can students of the classroom achieve the given standards in the internal and external examination?
Second wave:
- How can the performance of teaching and the outcomes of learning in the classroom meet the key stakeholders’ expectations and needs?
- HHow can the education services provided in the classroom be ensured accountable to the public and stakeholders through various types of monitoring, reporting, and benchmarking?
- H How can the classroom become internally and externally competitive to provide quality services in the education market?
Third Wave:
- How can the environment (‘‘classroom’’) for learning and teaching be well globalized, localized, and individualized?
- How can students’ learning opportunities be maximized in an unbounded environment through IT, networking, and paradigm shifts in teaching and learning?
- How can students’ self-learning be well facilitated and sustained as potentially lifelong in such an environment?
- How can students’ abilities to globalize, localize, and individualize their own learning be well developed with the support of this learning environment?
- How can students’ contextualized multiple intelligences be continuously well developed by students themselves in such a learning environment?
I wonder if the administration in the schools and the people leading the education have any idea of these waves and if they are taking into account the right set of questions and be part of the solution, and finally get a better education and effective classes with the help of the web 2.0 tools.
BP4 web 2.0 tool review
One of the tools I fond in my web 2.0 tools research was the one called MYNA. It is the Aviary’s browser-based audio editor. Aviary is a powerful suite of browser-based design tools for people who create. It's free to try their tools or sign up! You do not need to download the program!
Some of the uses are to remix music track and audio clips. I have not used personally, but the demo is very convincing! I hope to present this to my colleagues to put it into practice in our classes.
Myna has a powerful clip editing. It also has effects. You can import or export your audio files to your desktop. You can also collaborate with other users. For more information watch the following video.
The articles I read for my AR project this week are the following:
1. Goodwin, J. (Aug. /Sep. 2010). It's time for teachers to step out on technology. MTA Today. A Massachusetts Teachers Association Publication. Volume 41(1). Massachusetts.
1. Goodwin, J. (Aug. /Sep. 2010). It's time for teachers to step out on technology. MTA Today. A Massachusetts Teachers Association Publication. Volume 41(1). Massachusetts.
This article referred to the importance of teachers to commit themselves to make a change, to integrate technology in every teacher's class. Goodwin made a strong call to teachers who already have some knowledge in technology to invite their colleagues to join those projects.
* MTA Today. (June /July 2010). One day on twitter. Retrieved on Friday September 3, 2010 from
I made a brief graphic from these articles:I also liked a lot the cover of the publication of this previous article:
BP_Diigo Group
The purpose of this group is to help me to organize and share my research with my critical friends and others who may want to collaborate with it.
The following is a screen shot from my Diigo group. I still need to get some answers back.
BP1_Google Reader
This is a new feature I am using in this class. According to the research I have done during this program I have added the following five (5) RSS feeds that I had used for my professional development.
About.com is a web site that not only has information about education and technology, but it also has resources for my Spanish classes. Students also check this site for vocabulary. The Spanish material is free and very practical for teachers and students.
edutopia.org is a site that has helped me a lot in my previous assignments. I can find information about web 2.0 tools, I can get information about what the teachers are doing in their classes. I can also get ideas to put into practice in my own classes.

EduDatum.com is a new site for me that has helped my to keep updated with what is happening in Education. It is also an example for me how to work with data in my future research. I have found interesting articles and even one on how to find a job!
Freetech4teachers.com is a site that has helped me to determine what free web 2.0 tools are available that I can promote to the teacher to use in the Foreign Language Department. The way this site explains each tool is very clear and concise. It also offers videos about educational issues.
TED.com is a site where I have learned about education in a very exciting way. The presenters are really an inspiration for the audience. The content is divided by themes, speakers, talks, and translations. One of the videos I liked a lot for example was the video presented by Sir Ken Robinson: Bring on the learning revolution!
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